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Domain Privacy

Someone could be taking advantage of your lack of privacy!

Unscrupulous Internet users may have the upper hand on your private information when you do not have Domain Privacy. The great thing is that our Domain Privacy service acts as a SHIELD, hiding your personal contact information in the public database.

If you own a domain name, it is compulsory to have an address, phone number, and email address listed on a public registry. This can then be found by anyone by doing what is called a WHOIS look up.

WHOIS Search

Remove your personal details from the registry:

Your postal address

Your phone number

Your email address

Find out which TLD extensions support domain privacy


Don't have your domains with OnlyDomains?
No problem, transfer them now:

Domain Name

Auth Code

Note: Due to restrictions of the regulatory authorities, our WHOIS Privacy service is not available for .asia domain name registrations. Our WHOIS Privacy service is restricted to domain names registered with OnlyDomains. You will need to disable WHOIS Privacy before transferring your domain name to another registrar as they will need your information to initiate a registrar domain name transfer.

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