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man about to kick dot au domain football

Register Your .au Domain Today

It's shorter - .au uses less space than .com.au. So, fit more into your social media posts

For everyone - It's not just for businesses. Individuals can get them too

More creative - You can choose any name for your .au, not just a trademark

More options - You can create multiple .aus to protect your brand or redirect to established sites

.au Vs .com.au - What's the Difference?

The short answer is that .com.au is for Australian businesses and .au is for all Aussies. That’s because you need an ABN or ACN to register a .com.au (and your website name has to match your registered business) while for .au, you just need to show an Australian presence. But that all extra paperwork makes it harder for fraudsters to do silly buggers on .com.au, which helps everyone using it.

surfer holding a dot au domain surfboard
kangaroo standing next to a dot au domain sign

Transfer Your .au Domain to OnlyDomains

You save time and energy by keeping all your domains in one place. That's obvious. So's the fact that we want that one place to be with us. Shocking, we know. But it's why we offer you so many reasons to join us: like great pricing, brilliant support, intuitive domain management and, of course, an easy transfer service.

FAQs for .au

  • What is a .au domain?

    A .au domain (such as yourbusiness.au) is Australia's official domain ending and indicates that the person or business using it has a connection to that country. Anyone with an Australian presence is able to register a .au domain. You don’t need to have an Australian business number (ABN) or be an Australian trade mark holder anymore.

  • What is a 2nd level .au domain and 3rd level .au domain?
  • Who can register a .au domain name?
  • How to register a .au domain?
  • Where to buy a .au domain?
  • What are the restrictions on a .au domain name?
  • Who is the .au domain registry?
  • Can I do a .au domain whois?
  • What are the best Australian domain names?
  • When will .au domains be available?
  • Do I need a .au domain?

Learn More About .au on our Blog

.au Domains to Launched
in March 2022

24th March onwards Aussies can register .au domains in addition to .com.au and .net.au. Oh and direct .au it comes with fewer requirements.

How to Register a
.au Domain?

Australia has got a new domain ending. The .com.au and .net.au websites are now joined by their more focused brother: .au

How to Start an Online Business in Australia

Starting an online business is a great way to strike out on your own and build financial independence.

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