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OnlyDomains is proud to offer domain registration services for .melbourne domain names, which are classified as Geographic domains so they can be used to target communities all over the world!

Melbourne is a city like no other. It is in the same breath both the sporting and cultural capital of Australia. Often voted the most liveable city in the world, it is no wonder that so many people want to be there – 38% of Melbourne residents have chosen to move there from overseas, including the largest Italian and Greek populations outside of those two countries. Not many other cities can claim to cater to such diverse populations.

Now you can join this diverse and exciting population online with a .Melbourne domain name. Order yours today!

Melbourne's exciting mix of fashion, sport, culture and dining means you'll never want to leave! In short, Melbourne is a city like no other.

Launch your website with a truly Melbournian Web-Address. Choose a .MELBOURNE!

Your Domain Name is your address online and who wouldn't want an address that clearly states where they come from? With a .MELBOURNE, you can create a Melbourne-friendly online brand with a truly Melbournian Web-Address, allowing you to tap into the diverse and growing economy of Melbourne. We want to assist you to successfully launch and run your own business venture online!

By choosing a .MELBOURNE you are selecting a one-of-a-kind online destination for your business and brand, creating a credible website that will be easily visible to your customers.

Order your .MELBOURNE today and join the most liveable city, online!

Price can vary if the registry operator has classified your desired domain name as a premium name, which incurs a variable higher price than what's shown above.

.melbourne Domain Name Registration Information

  • .melbourne Registration Time: instant*
  • gTLD Operator: State Government of Victoria, with help from ARI Registry Services
  • General Availability Requirements: Should be a Victorian Entity, Resident or Associated Entity
  • (*to existing customers)

Popular Geographic Domains

.management $33.99
.market $44.99
.marketing $44.99
.markets $67.90
.mba $44.99

.MELBOURNE Domain Name Options

Register Domain Renew Domain Transfer Domain WHOIS Search
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    has just about all the information you'd ever need

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