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Am I Eligible to buy a .co.uk domain name?

  • Registration Fee

  • Renewal Fee

  • Transfer Fee

Domain Names UK

Let’s be honest, nothing says British like a domain name ending with .co.uk. Okay, maybe tea or queuing. But we’re not selling queues so OnlyDomains is proud to offer domain registration services for .co.uk domain names, the official and primary country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Kingdom.

To see if your perfect domain is available as a .co.uk, just use the search bar above.

Why Register a .co.uk Domain Name?

If you are based in the UK and want to establish your UK brand, then .co.uk is the obvious choice. Not only does it instantly mark you as a British business, it’ll nudge your visitors into trusting you’re legit.

Part of that is because, with over 10 million registrations, .co.uk is one of the most well-known and popular country-code domain extensions in the world. This means that not only will it give your website a sense of reliability and trustworthiness, but it also helps search engines like Google to drive visitors from the UK to your website, resulting in more free traffic to your website. All of which are a lot of words to say that a .co.uk will give your business a brilliant platform to start and grow from.

A .co.uk is also a good choice for a domain if you’re an international based company looking to expand into the UK in the future. There are no special requirements that need to be met to register a .co.uk domain so you’ll have no issues securing your digital presence in the UK.

FAQs for .co.uk

Is it possible to move my existing .co.uk domain to OnlyDomains

Yes. All .co.uk domain names are given a unique password at registration, which can be used to transfer them to another registrar. On the OnlyDomains website, just enter your existing domain(s) and the passcode, and click Transfer.

We can handle transfers of up to 1,000 domains at a time. And there's no additional cost for most TLDs.

United Kingdom Domain Name Registration Information

  • .co.uk Registration Time: ^
  • .co.uk Requirements:
  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Nationality:
  • ^to existing customers

Domain Renewal and Transfer Pricing

Transfer your existing domains to OnlyDomains and keep everything controlled in one simple and easy to manage account.

Please note that in some extensions activating a transfer will renew your domain therefore a renew fee will be charged when placing your transfer order. After the transfer is processed, your domain name will be updated with the new expiry date.

Transfer procedures vary, so don't hesitate to contact our Support team for any clarification on how to transfer your domain(s) to OnlyDomains.

Popular British Domains

.co.uk $7.99
.gb.net $16.99
.london $55.90
.ltd.uk $9.99
.me.uk $7.99

.CO.UK Domain Name Options

Register Domain Renew Domain Transfer Domain WHOIS Search
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